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Cast Iron Skillet Fried Potatoes

That Cast Iron Guy


● 3-4 lg. russet potatoes

● 3 tbsp. Original or Spicy Dan-O’s Seasoning(if you don’t have Dan-O’s,

then salt, pepper, and garlic powder works well too)

● 1 medium roughly chopped yellow onion

● 7 ounces smoked sausage

● 3-4 tbsp unsalted butter

● About 1⁄4 - 1⁄2 cup canola oil


1. Peel potatoes, then vertically cut each potato into quarters.

2. Slicethequarteredpotatoesintoequalsizepieces(about1⁄8”


3. Rinse the cut up potatoes with cold water, place them in a large

bowl, cover the potatoes with cold water, and allow to soak in the refrigerator overnight(this will remove starch from the potatoes to make them more crispy when cooking).

4. Slicethesmokedsausageintoequalsizepieces(about1⁄8”-1⁄4” thick).

5. Preheata12inchcastironskilletovermediumheatforabout5 minutes.

6. Addthecanolaoiltothehotskillet,lettheoilheatfor1-2minutes.

7. Drainanddrythepotatoes,thenaddthemtothehotoil.

8. Seasonthepotatoeswith3tbspofDan-O’sseasoning.

9. Allowthepotatoestocookforabout5minutes,stir

occasionally(be sure when making fried potatoes to always scrap

the bottom of the skillet when stirring).

10. Add the butter, then let the potatoes cook for another 5 minutes,

stir occasionally.

11. Add the roughly chopped onion and sliced smoked sausage, then

cook for another 10-15 minutes or until the potatoes have reached

your desired crispiness. Stir occasionally.

12. Serve immediately and enjoy!



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